Doing Good for Goode™
Congregation members volunteer at the Alexander D. Goode Elementary School in York City to improve the educational and extracurricular opportunities for students at the school named after a former TBI Rabbi. TBI outreach includes: a school supply drive, mulching the playground, Our largest project to date has been rehabbing a weed-choked courtyard into an outdoor education area with raised planting beds, a meteorology station, and a greenhouse now under construction.
How else do we help? We fight hunger:
Each month, our congregation delivers a day’s worth of casseroles ready to serve at Our Daily Bread, York City’s soup kitchen. In addition, TBI and our Religious School have a key role in the annual JCC Family Services fundraisers to support Project Manna and the Northeast Neighborhood Food Bank. The food bank serves the area where many Goode School students live.

TBI members also:
- Stock the Project Manna food pantry at JFS, and prepare disbursements.
- Contribute to the High Holiday Food Drive for Project Manna and NENA's food bank.
- Donate to JCC Family Services to fill the York Jewish Community's slots to serve meals at Our Daily Bread. Call 717-843-5011 to help.
- Conduct a food drive as part of our participation in the annual York Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.
We teach our children the importance of Tzedakah (charity)
Hunger education is an essential part of our Religious School curriculum. Older students also learn how to be advocates for social change on this issue.
Our Confirmation class conducts an annual clothing drive for the Northeast Neighborhood Association's clothing bank.
Our Religious School holds an annual Tzedakah Fair. Students learn about local, national and international charities then educate their peers and donate money.
We support seniors in our community
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