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Temple Beth Israel Religious School


We strive to instill a love and understanding of Judaism in our students. We emphasize a caring environment and programming dedicated to the Jewish educational enrichment of our students and their families.

Temple Beth Israel Religious School is dedicated to the philosophy of having each student "see the world through Jewish eyes." Our program encourages students to foster positive feelings about their Jewish identity by developing a sense of community and enhancing feelings of self-worth. Temple Beth Israel Religious School offers a combination of group and individualized experiences that help students grow socially, intellectually, and religiously as Jews.

Our curriculum stresses fundamental Jewish concepts. We use textbooks for our programs as well as a variety of materials for Religious Studies. In addition, we incorporate many activity-oriented projects and special programs to encourage interest and creativity in our students throughout the year.

Registration for 2024-2025

New Student Enrollment Form

Returning Student Enrollment Form

The overall goals of this curriculum are to produce:

  1. Jews who express pride in their heritage, who are excited about being Jewish, who observe and practice Jewish traditions, and who desire to transmit knowledge of and enthusiasm for their tradition to those who come after them.
  2. Jews who are familiar with the rituals and customs associated with Shabbat and the holidays, who understand the reasons for these observances, and who celebrate these occasions appropriately.
  3. Jews who can describe the different ways Jews have conceptualized God throughout history, and who can affirm and act upon a personal perspective of God and spirituality.
  4. Jews who have a clear understanding of the nature of prayer (what it is and why we pray), who are knowledgeable and comfortable with the structure and contents of the prayer book, and who themselves participate in Tefilah with Kavanah.
  5. Jews who can explain the important values/mitzvot which have guided Jews for 4,000 years (e.g., Tzedakah, Gemilut Chasadim, K’lal Yisrael, the centrality of family, the importance of study, the Ten Commandments, justice for all peoples, care for the world, etc.), who know the reasons for Jewish devotion to these values, and who themselves are committed to live by these values.
  6. Jews who understand the place of Hebrew in Jewish tradition, and who cherish and use this Holy Language of the Jewish people during synagogue worship and home celebrations.
  7. Jews who are familiar with the origins and meanings of Jewish customs and practices, including life cycle events and all forms of Jewish practice, and who observe these Jewish ceremonies on the significant occasions in their lives.
  8. Jews who enthusiastically support and participate in the life of the synagogue, their Jewish community, and their community at large.
  9. Jews who see themselves as an important link in the chain of Am Yisrael, the Jewish people, for whom the history of the Jewish people is familiar, meaningful, and central.
  10. Jews who affirm their historic bond to Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, who visit Israel, and who work for its well-being.


Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785