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Sixth Grade

  • Study and develop an understanding of the Prophets and their writings
  • Explore history through the journey of the Jewish people from the beginning of the Diaspora to the present day, and the archeology surrounding the Middle Ages.
  • Use the information learned about Jewish history to add to their timeline.
  • Read adventure series books that relate to the period of Jewish history that they are studying, choosing their own paths for these adventure stories.
  • Develop connections to the words of Torah and God through understanding the meanings of covenant and prayer.
  • Explore contemporary Jewish issues from historical and modern-day perspectives.
  • Make connections between past and present actions to formulate values.
  • Understand that historically different religions have provided compelling interpretations of meaning and purpose in life.
  • Understand the history of the different branches of Judaism.
  • Begin to identify with great Jewish personalities and the concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) one person at a time.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784