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Social Action at Temple Beth Israel

"Justice, justice you shall pursue." 
Deuteronomy 16:20

At Temple Beth Israel, we uphold Tikkun Olam, or "repairing the world," as a fundamental value of Reform Judaism. Our social action programs are designed to create positive change in the York community and beyond, and we are always open to new ideas and initiatives.

Our Social Action Committee builds on the Temple’s rich tradition of tzedakah and Tikkun Olam by partnering with both faith-based and secular organizations. We are committed to analyzing community and national issues through Jewish principles and raising awareness of their moral implications.

If you have suggestions or want to get involved, please contact Ellen Kay, our Social Action Chairwoman, at Please note that while we collaborate with various organizations, any representation of the congregation will be made with prior approval from the Board of Trustees.

Helping York's Community: Ongoing Projects


  • Doing Good for Goode Elementary School and Garden - Providing school supplies and equipment for local students and teachers at the Goode Elementary School.
  • Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Casseroles - Each month TBI members and friends bake enough casseroles to feed lunch to approximately 300 people who eat at Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen in York City. Download the Recipe.
  • Bikur Cholim Assistance – Provide assistance to members whose families who have a medical emergency such as meal train set up or food donations. 
  • Holiday Deliveries for Rosh Hashanah, Channukah and Purim. 
  • York JCC – Project Manna – TBI and our Religious School support the efforts of Project Manna. 

Recent Social Action Projects

Previous Projects:
• Domestic Violence Awareness Program and YMCA Shelters
• Pappus House
• Israeli Newborn Twins – collected supplies for Israeli fathers residing in York 
• Eclipse Glasses – donated post eclipse glasses for future school use
Bell Socialization Services
• Essentials for Afghan refugees
• Coats of Friendship

Yudin Fund Donations to the following local non-profit agencies:
• Food for Thought
• White Rose Outreach
• Bell Socialization Services
• Fostering Hope
• Salvation Army
• Northeast Neighborhood Association 


Social Action Fund Purchases:
• Pappus House Blankets
• Medical Supplies for Jewish Cuba
• Kitchen Supplies for Bell Socialization 


Learn more about Social Justice from a Jewish perspective:

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism  Israel Religious Action Center  

  Mazon, a Jewish response to hunger National Council of Jewish Women


Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785