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Tree of Life Leaf

The next time you are at TBI, look at the Tree of Life commemoration plaque in the lobby at the entrance to the Social Hall and share in the happiness it represents.

Leaves of Joy serve as permanent reminders of births, birthdays, bar and bat mitzvot, weddings, anniversaries, and friendships. Consider adding a Leaf of Joy to allow a happy event, in your life or someone else’s, to forever remain on public view, and in your heart.

An important goal of TBI’s leadership is to preserve assets in funds and investments for the long term, while keeping annual expenses as low as possible. Fundraising is an essential means of reaching that goal. Leaves of Joy are one way you can help support TBI programs and services and our fundraising objectives. Individual leaves, including engraving, are available for $180 each.

Contact the Temple office at 717-843-2676 ext 101 or by

Tree of Life Leaf Order Form

Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785